How Many Lone Workers Are Attacked Every Day?

Posted by Nadia | Posted on 17 May 2023

Around 150 lone workers are attacked in the UK every day, according to 2018 figures from the British Safety Council. This includes both physical and verbal assault. That is 54,750 lone workers being attacked every year. Lone workers should be protected when working alone and feel safe in their workplace. It’s important that employers know how to protect their lone workers.

Which Lone Workers are Most At Risk?

Many different industries employ lone workers, including security, farming, factory work, and more. The lone workers who face the highest risk of physical and verbal assault at work are:

  • Security Guards
  • Delivery Drivers
  • Cleaners – especially those working at night
  • Retail workers – especially those who open or close shops by themselves
  • Train and bus drivers
  • Carers and healthcare professionals
  • Social workers

Find Out More – Lone Workers: The Ultimate Guide

Risks Faced by Lone Workers

Lone working comes with its fair share of hazards, which become more dangerous when staff are unsupervised. If an employee cannot call for help, they become more vulnerable to disgruntled members of the public.

Due to their status as lone workers, they may also be considered easy targets by thieves. Furthermore, lone staff may sometimes struggle to deescalate a situation. If they are attacked, there will often be no one present to help. This means an employee may be injured or unconscious without support.

Find Out More – Risk Assessments

Protect Lone Workers from Attacks

Employers must protect their lone workers from harm and help them feel safe in the workplace. There should be policies in place to ensure employees are kept as safe as is reasonably practicable. The best way to protect them is with a lone worker alarm. This will give them security and help them work with confidence. If they ever feel unsafe at work, the Lone Alarm means that help is one button press away.

Lone Alarms: How We Can Help

Our UK-based Alarm Monitoring Centre has accreditation from the Telecare Services Association (TSA). The TSA is the industry and standards body for Telecare in the UK.

All our lone worker alarms include 24/7 monitoring, so every user will be protected around the clock. Our Lone Alarms also feature GPS locators, which allow the Monitoring Team to send help to the lone worker’s precise location. Whenever a lone worker activates their alarm, our team will answer their call and quickly assess the situation. We will arrange whatever help is necessary, which can include sending the police or ambulance to their location.

Given how many lone workers are attacked every day in the UK, Lone Alarms are a crucial tool to keep your employees safe. Every worker should feel at ease in their workplace, safe from the risks of injury and assault.

How to Order Your Lone Alarms

To order Lone Alarms for your workers or to learn more about the service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can give our friendly team a call on 0800 03 08 222 or use our handy enquiry form.

Editor’s Note: This article was updated on 17th May 2023 to reflect current information.


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0800 03 08 222 INFO@LONEALARMS.CO.UK
Address: 11 Robberds Way, Norwich, Norfolk, NR5 9JF
Lone Alarms is a trading name of Lifeline24 Ltd (Company No. 08718610)


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